Ammar Mohammed Al Attar surveys prayer rooms across the UAE. These informal worship areas areubiquitous, providing Muslims a place for their five prayers a day regardless of their location. The...
Ammar Mohammed Al Attar surveys prayer rooms across the UAE. These informal worship areas areubiquitous, providing Muslims a place for their five prayers a day regardless of their location. The decorativeelements of these interiors are incredibly humble, in line with Islamic architectural tenets and in contrast tothe exterior opulence of the UAE's architectural development. Serenity and stillness are common elements inthese makeshift rooms, transforming their spatial reality as industrial caravans or rooms in malls and businesscenters, to that of spiritual sanctuaries. The artist presents locales that are seemingly obscure, but uponcloser inspection provide a visual history of his rapidly developing country by presenting a cultural continuitywhich is rarely visible.