Armin Najib Iran, b. 1989

Armin Najib (b. Tehran, 1989) is a multidisciplinary artist whose practice encompasses painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, and art jewelry. His work primarily revolves around kinetic mechanisms and magnetic fields.
With a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering specializing in Solid Design from Azad University, Najib's background involves extensive study and research in various methodologies and design forms. His fascination with magnetism, ergonomic placement elements, and environmental sensing has led him to develop his own tools and instruments tailored to his concepts. Najib's childhood experiences sailing with his father, a Merchant Marine Captain, instilled in him a curiosity for exploration. He views the art world as a dynamic arena where he can pose questions, seek answers, or leave them open-ended.
Recognizing the importance of knowledge transfer, Najib has mentored numerous students, apprentices, and assistants, imparting both conventional and innovative techniques. Many of his mentees have achieved grants and admissions to prestigious art universities worldwide. Najib initially began his career as an art jeweler, an experience that deepened his understanding of the concept of the 'Precious.' He then applied this insight to his sculpture and painting, an aspect often neglected or undervalued.
In his own words, Najib describes his creative process as a form of improvisation rather than anticipation, emphasizing the role of making in developing ideas.